Διαβάστε σχετικά για Εξοπλιστικά Προγράμματα, Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες Αμερικής (ΗΠΑ), Ισραήλ, Κουρδιστάν, Κούρδοι, Κύπρος, Ντόναλντ Τραμπ, Ρετζέπ Ταγίπ Ερντογάν, Τουρκία,
Erdogan’s phone call to Trump appears to be yet another Turkish attempt to push forward its grandiose and expansionist plans in the region, aimed at facilitating his neo-Ottoman ambitions.
The communication, which likely took place through an interpreter due to Erdogan’s inability to communicate directly in a foreign language, reflects his typical stance: a desire for further strategic concessions from the U.S. to bolster Turkey’s defense and political standing, while simultaneously advancing Ankara’s interests in Kurdish territories and Syria.
Moreover, Erdogan, known for his ties with jihadist groups and his support for Hamas, requested the acquisition of American F-35 fighter jets—an action that has drawn opposition from Israel, which views Turkey as a threat in the region.
The audacity of the Turkish leader to demand such concessions from the U.S., while Turkey remains an adversary to countries like Greece, Cyprus, Israel, and the Kurds, underscores his continuous challenge to international relations and his strategic alliances.
This stance is not only a political maneuver but also a provocative challenge to the countries in the region that have been harmed by Turkish policies, making Erdogan a contentious player with questionable loyalty to international norms and alliances.